Friday, 23 December 2011


Autumn in Wisconsin, U.S.A
Subhanallah..look at the luscious shades of colors

Love~~Nid \(.^______^.)/


the small steps in the dizzling rain,
the fresh smell of the air,
the shy shine of the sun,
the chilly feel of the water,
the smooth texture of the earth,
the soothing sound of the rain,
the ripple effect in the puddles,
and, the sweet feeling in my heart. i enjoy it makes my day much more meaning full.

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

Thursday, 22 December 2011

1? 3? 5? 7? 9?

What's that? I am thinking about number of children i should have. At 27 years old (yess..old!!) my biggest concern about being single is wasting my prime years to give birth. I am ok in terms of family & peer preasure or living wise. I just make a poker face when ever people asked about marrige and said 'InsyaAllah, one day i will".

Alhamdulillah, I can support my family & myself. But, i can't deny that the days, months and years that passes means i waste my youth & healthy body to bear children. Which are the precious things that no money can buy. No matter what, I pray to Allah to give me the best in life. Whether i am going to get married tomorrow, next year, next 10 years or die being single, it's all in Allah's hand.

Well, back to the main point. My personal preferences is 'the more the merrier'. (But not too many if i can't rise them in good condition). The biggest concern of parents nowaday is about money. Some sees a child from a material point of view & think it's a burden. How unfortunate for those who have that line of thinking..because Allah has promised that each child born have his/her own share of wealth in the world. Anyway, another important thing is that once we died, nothing will be useful anymore..not the money in the bank, not handsome husband or beautiful wife, not the big banglow and not even the luxury cars that we drove.  There will be only three useful things:
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:
When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased).
Hadith Sahih Muslim
Some people may not be fortunate enough to be wealthy & give a lot of charity, or have the opportunity and brain to share their knowledge. But, most people have children. So, please, lets believe in Allah's promises and have lots of children. Never limit your family members just because you worries about things that you have no control of. Pray to Allah & rise the children in Islamic ways, then InsyaAllah, they will become pious son and will be wealthy in the hereafter with their prayers for you. InsyaAllah.

Valuable readings- go on, read more..don't be lazy..nothing good will come to lazy people:
1. Detail discussion about Children in Islam
2. Children- from Al-quran & Sunnah

pssst~~ besides, our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W loves to see a lot of people as his ummah.

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Mila's Daydream

adorable isn't it?
this is a series of picture by a mother from Finland whom take the opportunity when her daugther is taking a nap to imagine her daugther's dream & capture it.
super awesome..talking about a productive mother!
check out more

wishing to become a full time housewife~~Nid (.^__________^.)

Monday, 19 December 2011

Muhasabah diri - Peta Hidup

Love~~Nid \(.^___^.)

on repeat

over & over again

Love~~Nid \(.^__^.)/

past, present & future?

depressed & anxious..even if people said i always looked at peace. its just my poker face. if i tell what i feel inside i think i will only have few friends.

Love~~Nid (.^_^.)

Do you know who is the scaries person in the world? it's the one sitting near you. you never know what he/she is thinking & you never know what he/she will do at the instance.
Be careful, be very careful not to offence others.

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

Thursday, 15 December 2011


When i am stressed quick relieve is by looking at pictures like this one..
i miss the heroes in the family

Love~~Nid (.^_____^.)

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Life & Death

5 Alpha

5 Delta

5 Gamma

5 Lamdha

5 Sigma

5 Beta

5 Kappa
One of my high school friends posted these series of status in her facebook:

Status 1: This is a chain of my facebook status which I wish ALL my beloved friend to read it..I hereby declare that scientifically and alternatively (treatment) proven that MY CURRENT DISEASE will end with DEATH. tetapi ingatlah tarikh KEMATIAN itu di Tangan ALLAH SWT ~
STATUS 2: I might in future, switch OFF my HP or DeActivate MY FB, I need time for myself :) And I wish ALL My beloved friend to understand the situation and love you all with ALL MY HEART
STATUS 3: In the PAST I already hurt all kind of people around me with my BAD behaviour with and without intention, MAAFKAN saya atas kejahilan saya. And to those who are in need untuk minta maaf dengan saya, DENGAN IKHLASNYA sepenuh hati saya SAYA SUDAH MEMAAFKAN KAMU. DAN SAYA BERDOA PADA ALLAH SWT SEMOGA MEMASUKKAN IMAN DAN MEMBERI HIDAYAH KEPADA KAMU. JADI TIDAK PERLULAH KAMU BERJUMPA DENGAN SAYA
saya tak sedih pun saya sakit hampir maut..tapi saya sedih dengan orang2 yang menzalimi diri sendiri dan orang lain..Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa mereka~
My heart goes for her, i really do. Although i am not one of her bestfriends but we practically grow-up together living in a hostel for five years. There a lot of memories which i still fondly remember till today. Many times, i dreams about my high school friends in random place & random situation. If you ever watch the movie "Inception" then you know that your unconcious mind will fill up your dreams with your memories & people that you know. I really have many memories during my high school years. Many great memories.
After high school i did hear about her here & there. But because we study in different countries & make new friends, i only met her only once or twice in last 10 years. Seriously, she gone through a lot in life. The things she experienced are the things i can only read in books and watch in movies or drama. She is one strong lady.
So, to read her status realy broke my heart. I don't know what i can i do for her. But i will always pray for here health & happiness. I hope she will be strong & patience to fight her disease. No matter what,  Allah knows what best for each and everyone of us.
This situation also make me stop & think about the value of life & death...hrmmm.....
Lost in toughts~~ Nid (t__t)

Monday, 12 December 2011

A year old memories

12 12 2010
Seoul Garden, Auto-City Juru

~~~I miss u my girls~~~

Love~~ Nid (.^____^.)

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Tadabur Alam - gerhana bulan

Dan Dia telah menundukkan (pula) bagimu matahari dan bulan yang terus menerus beredar (dalam orbitnya); dan telah menundukkan bagimu malam dan siang.
Surah Ibrahim: 33

Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berakal,
(yaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata): "Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia. Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka".
Surah Ali-Imran: 190 & 191

Love~~ Nid (.^___^)

Gerhana Bulan - 10 12 2011

Bulan akan berada di dalam bayang-bayang bumi sepenuhnya (fasa gerhana penuh)  pada jam 10.05 malam sehingga 10.57 malam.

psstt~~~ Jika anda terlepas gerhana kali ini, anda terpaksa menunggu sehingga 10 Okt 2014 untuk Gerhana Penuh Bulan yang boleh dilihat dari Malaysia. Itupun anda hanya dapat lihat separuh sahaja, iaitu Bulan sudahpun TAMAT fasa gerhana sepenuhnya ketika ia terbit di waktu Maghrib (di Kuala Lumpur). Gerhana Penuh seterusnya ialah 4 Apr 2015 dan itupun anda dapat lihat separuh sahaja, iaitu Bulan sedang memasuki fasa gerhana penuh ketika ia terbit.

info penuh, video & gambar:

tp yang paling penting dari lihat gerhana ini ialah:
Solat Sunat Gerhana
~ Hukum: Sunat Muakkad
~ 2 Rakaat
~ Boleh dilakukan sendirian @ Berjemaah
~ Waktu solat ialah apabila nyata gerhana berlaku sehinggalah habis waktunya apabila gerhana itu hilang. Jika berlaku gerhana bulan pada waktu Subuh, maka habis waktu solatnya dikira apabila terbit matahari.
~ Niat - "Sahaja aku solat sunat gerhana bulan dua rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala"

Jom sama-sama kita solat~~ Nid (.^___^)


“If love melts, and the heart melts, and sadness melts, and the whole world melts, it becomes one cup of espresso.” -Korean Proverb-

never tried it but i think i will like it
Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Friday, 9 December 2011


Love~~ Nid (.^__^.)


Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)


huuuu~~ now i understand all the hurls that my supervisor throwing to us...
only two groups of student but i am already at my end wits..
SALUTES to all lecturers & teachers around the world.

Stressed-out~~ Nid (.*__*.)


Yup...somehow it will come to the end..just don't give up..not now..not ever!!

Love~~ Nid (.^___^)


Been there, experinced that...

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Allah knows best

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)


Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)


2 weeks without my laptop
i think i am turning into a worm during the night
wiggling~ wiggling~ on my bed
even the books make me so bored now
urghhh...i miss my laptop~~

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

Friday, 25 November 2011

I will fly again

I will fly again,
Though i have many wounds i want to conceal,
From now on i'll just look at the light ahead.
I will fly again,
I spread my powerful wings,
Powered by the hope within me..i will fly.
I square up my shoulders and spread my arms wide,
so i can fly higher still
I will fly again.
Wings by Kim Bo-Young

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

Do the work

Love~~ Nid (.^__^.)


Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)


Love~~Nid (.^__^.)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Einstein really is a genius. In theory & In life. to find what area we are genius in.

Love~~ Nid (.^__^.)

Power of words

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

Book worm

i am turning into a book worm this week
hrmmm...not that i have so much free time but because my laptop is broken
will take a week or two to fix it..huwaaa~~
well, its time to finished that stack of story books beside my bed, they got all dusty already.

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

Monday, 21 November 2011

A new life-Ainul Mardhiyyah

Ainul Mardhiyaah Binti Mohd Sifa
9.06 p.m.
6th of November 2011
3.06 kg
Welcome to the world sweet baby girl.
Grow strong & healthy,
Grow lovely & kind,
Grow happy & wise,
Most importantly, grow to be a good muslimah.
Little girl,
Aunties love you so much.

Love~~ Aunty Nid (.^___^.)

Friday, 18 November 2011


Because the things that you would not take money is priceless

Love~~ Nid (.^__^.)


is it? wasn't that should be "Friends are made, not born"?
Oh well, but it is also true if we are looking at friends as our destiny.
We may think that we make friends but he/she is actually been fated to be our friend.

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

awwww~~ i am melting

Day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year.
Slowly we are drifting apart. Not by choice but because of life.
But, thanks for still trying to keep in touch.
Love you friends.

Love~~ Nid (.^____^.)

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

I do

I am off to my hometown starting tomorrow.
This is really a very much needed holiday at home because i have been busy with lots of work for the past 2 months. The truth is i haven't pack my things yet. Ussually i started packing one or two weeks before the holiday. Its the sign that i am not ready to go home. No, its not that i don't want to go  home,  but i am too caught-up with work that i have no time thinking about my family. This is actually the thing i hate the most. Balancing between family & work and at the end sacrifiying one of it. Life is really hard & full of choices. I hope i can have a nice holiday & at the same time finish this one conference paper that need to be submitted this middle of november. ughh!!! i doubted that i can finish this paper at home but i need to change my way of life. Need to be a multi-tasked person.
Aja-aja FIGHTING!!!!

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

I smiled (^___^)

Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)