Thursday, 27 December 2012


If we want to thanks HIM properly, then learn to pray properly. 

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

I Miss You

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Our mind

its all in our mind

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)


"kalau kita dapat nikmat sabar, kita tak perlukan nikmat-nikmat yang lain"
emmm betul kan?

Love~~Nid (.^__^.)

A True Travel

A True Travel
Nazim Hikmet
(1902 - 1963)

The most magnificent poem hasn't been written yet
The most beautiful song hasn't been sung yet
The most glorious day hasn't been lived yet
The most immense sea hasn't been pioneered yet
The most prolonged travel hasn't been done yet.

The immortal dance hasn't been performed yet
The most shine star hasn't been discovered yet.

When we don't know any more what we are supposed to do
It's the time when we can do true something
When we don't know any more where we are supposed to go
It's the start when the true travel has just begun.

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)


i heard a shocking news today..emm or more like a shocking gossip

i am confused~~ Nid (.@...@.)

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Don't judge!

"The world contains a lot more things that are unseen than that are seen"

Love~ NID (.^__^.)Y

Being a mom

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. 

She never existed before. 
The woman existed, 
but the mother, never. 
A mother is something absolutely new.


Love~~Nid (.^____________^.)

Monday, 24 December 2012


 when i was asked to fill-in my age...
oh dear...dilemma of a 'old'-student
you have the time to join all types of fun..
but they also come with a bunch of juniors ten years younger

Love~~Nid (.-.-.)


Sometimes, we may have to pretend..
Happy Monday

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Good deeds

Guangzhou, China

I will remember, every nice person i met.

If I forget, its okay, Allah remembers it, all your good deeds to me.
Don't hate, its a burden to our small heart. :)

Love~~Nid (.^_^.)

Drifting Apart

Istanbul, Turkey
Don't treat a person like a harbour... only come when you need them..drifting apart as you follow your dream.

Love~~Ida (.^___^.)

Monday, 17 December 2012!!!

oHH!!! 2 journal need to be rewrite, another one with major correction...proposal presentation at company scheduled in few days & the key point of my research in no where to be

emm tapi kata Bilal bin Rabah.."kesibukan itu boleh diatur"..subhanallah, bijaksana kata-kata seorang hamba abdi. Moga redha Allah bersama kita dalam setiap urusan.

Love~~Nid (@__@)

Yang pertama

Hong Kong, China
Jangan sempitkan diri dengan masalah-masalah yg datang...Allah sentiasa memberi pilihan kepada kita utk tenang dalam ujian dengan memilih Allah yang pertama dalam hidup..
strugle utk hidup memilih bahgia dlm redhaNya.
Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Thursday, 31 May 2012

A day away

One more day, then i can meet these two heroes.
These pictures are one year ago. By now, they are turning to be a pair of trouble maker.

Love~~Nid (.^________^.)

A marching band

I wish i had......

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

All time low

Stand up & change now.
If not, you will drowned even further.
Whatever it is, there will always be an exit.

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

Monday, 28 May 2012


güneşte yanmayan gölgenın kıymetini bilmez
"Orang yang tidak pernah dibakar panas mentari, mustahil menghargai rimbun berteduh"

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Yeah..reality bites!!

Love~~Nid (.0___0.)


25th May 2012
Seminar Room, PPKM, USM.

That is my supervisor's words. Somehow i think i need to saved it somewhere.
Love~~Nid (.@__@.)


“You wanted strength, so you went to the gym. You put weight on the bar and you lifted. When you wanted more strength, you added more weight. And yet when you seek strength of heart, mind and soul, you think it comes without lifting.”

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Pursuit of Happiness


My buddies

I miss them so so so much.

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

Workaholic Anonymous

wooo~~i am dangerously tending to become a workaholic. Been working on sundays for the past few weeks. ehem..sound like i need a life? oh well, i did. this is my life :D. Besides, i am going for one week holiday in June, two weeks holiday in July & maybe another two weeks holiday in August.. i sound like i have too much life. well..this is student life.

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)


Spice Bazaar, Istanbul, Turkey

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

Friday, 25 May 2012


Bophorus, Istanbul, Turkey

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)


Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

on Repeat

I am not sure what to believe anymore. The A side and B side is not paralel. I think i will just ignore you from now on.

confused~~Nid (.^___^.)

Start NOW!

Overweight? Overworked? Overancious? Overambitious? Overslept? Overused? Overact? Overactive? Underachieving? Underweight? Underact? Underpaid? Underprivilage? Underated? Undermined?

Take control of your life. If not yourself, no one will.

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

Monday, 7 May 2012


Love~~ Nid (.^___^.)

First Sentence

-How important it is to be the very first sentence Allah teach to our beloved Prophet Muhammad?-

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)


Nah, para pengembang dakwah, bekerjalah. Maka keajaiban akan menyapa dari arah tak terduga. Mulakan. Kerana dalam keberanian memulakan itulah terletak kemudahannya. Bukan soal punya dan tak punya. Mampu atau tak mampu. Miskin atau kaya. Kita bekerja, kerana bekerja adalah bentuk kesyukuran yang terindah. Seperti firmanNya;

.. Bekerjalah hai keluarga Daud, untuk bersyukur. Dan sedikit sekali di antara hamba-Ku yang pandai bersyukur. (QS Saba ': 13)

Love~~ Nid (.^____^.)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012



Love~~Nid (.^____^.)


Even if the children is not yours, they will definately learn from whatever they saw.
Thats is why good attitude is important as we live in the society
Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Monday, 23 April 2012

Stay focused

Don't let this worldly life take over your Akhirah. Wipe your eyes when your vision gets blurred & remember your purpose.
Love~~Nid (.^___^.)

Value of life

If wealth is the secret to happiness, then the rich should be dancing on the streets. But only poor kids do that.

If power ensures security, then officials and politicians should walk unguarded. But those who live simply, sleep soundly.

If beauty and fame bring ideal relationships, then celebrities should have the best marriages.

Live simply, walk humbly, love genuinely. Life will become easy and meaningful. Remember, all blessings are from Allah s.w.t., recognize them!

Love~~Nid (.^____^.)


If what's ahead scares you & what's behind hurts you... Then just look ABOVE... Allah never fails to help us. Trust Him ♥

Love~~Nid (.^___^.)


If you care for someone you treat them above your own selfish needs.

Love~Nid (.0_0.)

Sunday, 15 April 2012


Love~~Nid (.^___^.)


I didn't asked you to talk big..but even if you do..please commit to your words.
I don't need your empty promises...
I can wait, but i will not be waiting forever.

Love~~Nid (.^_^.)


Love~~Nid (.^___^.)


Love~~Nid (.^____^.)

Saturday, 14 April 2012

*** B.E.I.N.G S.I.N.G.L.E ***

◘ Being single does not mean that you are weak, it means you are strong enough to wait for what you really deserve.

◘ If you are happy and confident, you are more likely to attract the right person into your life in the first place.

◘ And most importantly when Allah knows you’re ready for the responsibility of commitment, He will reveal the right person under the right circumstances.

◘ You are not going to displease Allah if you’re single. But you may displease Allah by your lack of thankfulness and weakness in your reliance (tawakul) in Him and giving up on life altogether.

◘ Wait patiently and be optimistic.

Love~~Nid (.0__0.)


Today, i am everything but strong.
Hard, is my life struggle.

Love~~Nid (.T___T.)